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Stop wasting your time

Use your data to become a champion

Trainya is a virtual coach designed for road cyclists' training management

Stop wasting your time

Use your data to become a champion

Trainya is a virtual coach designed for road cyclists' training management

What is it ?

Trainya is a digital platform that allows leveraging cutting edge machine learning algorithms to improve your training in order to enhance your performance.

What is it ?

Trainya is a digital platform that allows leveraging cutting edge machine learning algorithms to improve your training in order to enhance your performance.

Artificial Intelligence

Trainya is based on AI and is completely autonomous


Trainya is a coach built around your capabilities only for you


Trainya is designed to ensure a constant progression in your performance


Testers Already Enrolled

A golden opportunity

Will you be the next one ?

Get a chance to be coached by our system ! It is totally free and you would help us a lot. No particular level is required

How to use Trainya ?

The process to use our solution is dead simple and is totally designed around your needs and capabilities

How to use Trainya ?

The process to use our solution is dead simple and is totally designed around your needs and capabilities


We just need you to ride 7 days


Send us your data so we can build your coach


Select one of the 3 plannings we will propose you


Train like never before and start to break records !

Our plan

Where are we going ?

Trainya is a startup still in its early phase, but we are working as much as we can to be able to provide you with the best coaching experience. We completed the first step and we are now looking for investors, while still accepting new testers

Our plan

Where are we going ?

Trainya is a startup still in its early phase, but we are working as much as we can to be able to provide you with the best coaching experience. We completed the first step and we are now looking for investors, while still accepting new testers


1st Prototype (MVP) & Testings


Looking for investors




Open User Testings


Sports & Nutrition Development

Supported platforms

With you wherever you are

We aim to support as many platforms as possible in order to let you enjoy our services seamlessly

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About Trainya

About Us

We are a young team dedicated to merge sports science and computer science in order to build the next generation of coaches.

Today, we join you in your training venture with our first validated prototype designed for road cyclists. In a near future we will be able to help you running and eating in order to maximise your performance, while adapting to your capabilities and your schedule.


Get Involved Today

Whether you want more information, help us, or the access to the coach, feel free to contact us !

Get Involved Today

Whether you want more information, help us, or the access to the coach, feel free to contact us !

Find Us


Innovation Lab
Chemin du Musée 4
1700 Fribourg